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ORATORS: Graduate Student Collaborators

Orator, nounGraduate student affiliated with the STORIES for EQUITY lab; ORATE through Outreach, Research, Advocacy, Therapy, and Education

Shaylah Anderson

M.A. Student, UND

Shaylah Anderson [she/her/hers] is a masters in counseling student at the University of North Dakota. Shaylah earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology through the University of North Dakota. She currently works at a private practice as a psychometrician specializing in intellectual, achievement and personality testing. Shaylah also has experience conducting biofeedback focusing on Heart Rate Variability and positive emotions to improve psychological functioning. Her current research interests involve implicit bias among counselors, the perpetuation of diet culture amongst counselors and counseling psychologists, religion as a dominant/non-dominant identity, and the intersection of race, sexuality, gender, class, weight, with disordered eating and body image.

Karanbir Bhatti

M.A. Student, UND

Karanbir Bhatti [he/him/his] is a master’s student in Counseling at the University of North Dakota. Previously, Karanbir earned an Honour’s Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Biology at the University of Toronto in Canada. His research interests revolve around LGBTQ+ mental health, the impact of race on mental health, mental health stigma (particularly in Asian populations), and suicide risk assessment, intervention, and prevention.

Niyeli Herrera

Doctoral Student, UND

Niyeli Herrera [she/her/hers] is a doctoral student in Counseling Psychology at the University of North Dakota. Originally from Peru, she received her Bachelor's of Science in Psychology from Brigham Young University. Her research interests revolve around multicultural and diversity issues, cultural education, and social justice. Presently, her line of research investigates how psychology research can be given away through public communication.

Kamryn Holtz

Doctoral Student, UND

Kamryn Holtz [she/her/hers] is a doctoral candidate in counseling psychology at the University of North Dakota. Previously, she earned a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a minor in LGBT Studies from Michigan State University. She is interested primarily in developing school-based intervention and prevention programs for at-risk youth. 

Adel Said

Doctoral Student, UND

Adel Said [he/him/his] is a first year Ph.D. student in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of North Dakota. His research interests involve exploring the psychological impacts of racial and systemic injustices among marginalized communities. He intends on graduating the program with a Neuropsychology emphasis and the mission of making psychometric testing more culturally inclusive.

Chassidy Strege

M.A. Student, UND


Chassidy Strege [she/her/hers] is a Counseling masters student at the University of North Dakota. With a diverse background as a skin care and makeup consultant, Healing Touch and Reiki practitioner, lay clergy and organization builder, driven student and interfaith activist, I identify as a multipotentialite. I am a self-described spirituality nerd with a constant drive toward self-improvement, learning, and growth--with an aspiration to strengthen my skills and do my part to promote social justice. For a decade I worked as an interfaith week planning committee member and volunteer engaging both majority and minority faiths including First Nation/Native American, Baha'i, Pagan/Wiccan, Hindu, Buddhist, Unitarian Universalist, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian practitioners. My research interests center around how to continue and advance existing research on the use and effectiveness of applying a client's theistic or non-theistic values, identity, culture, or religion (and associated spiritual technologies) within their therapy process. I aspire to begin doctoral work in the fall of 2023 after completing the master's program. 

STORIES for EQUITY Undergraduate Student Team Members


Olivia Lacher

Undergraduate Communications Intern


I am working to make science communication more attainable and understandable for the public. I am working with you to bring attention to difficult conversations and how to have them. 

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Abby Oettinger

Undergraduate Communications Volunteer


I am interested in communication science because I find that there are many topics people care about and are interested in, but they do not understand the complex research. By participating in this internship, we are able to make materials more accessible to the general population. I am helping to take research and put it into social media formats so people can easily access and understand it.

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