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Chalkboard Drawings

Teach to Transform

I use a social justice umbrella to guide both content and pedagogy, emphasizing two main goals: apply psychological knowledge and make it accessible, and develop tools and passion for active lifelong learning. For a full description of my teaching philosophy click the link below.


As an assistant professor at UND, I currently teach Multicultural Counseling, Internship, Supervision & Consultation, and Preparation for APPIC Internship. I also supervise undergraduate courses, like Bridging the Divide. 


As a graduate student, I taught undergraduate coursework at both the University of Tennessee and the University of Utah. My courses include General Psychology, Research Methods, and Identity and Inclusion. I also developed a Research Methods course around the theme of understanding Race & Racism. For syllabi and further details, see below.

Group Meeting
Therapy Office
Business Consultation
School Application
Image by Wai Siew
Pride Parade
Market Analysis
3D Scans
Brain Sketch
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