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Dr. Keri A. Frantell

Keri A. Frantell [she/her/hers] is a recently appointed assistant professor in the Counseling Psychology and Community Services Department at the University of North Dakota. She is passionate about integrating the various roles of counseling psychologists, including research, teaching, clinical work, supervision, training, and advocacy. In each of these roles she aims to promote social justice and multiculturalism, with specific emphases on groups (e.g., group psychotherapy, intergroup dialogue, intergroup contact), suicide prevention and intervention, and LGBTQ+ mental health. 

University of Utah Counseling Center Intern Cohort 2019-2020
University of Utah UCC Psychology Interns 2019-2020

There were many stand out experiences during my internship, including: 

  • Group Work: I was able to co-facilitate Connecting with Self and Others with Jake Van Epps, Faith & Doubt with Susan Chamberlain, and If You're Lonely This Group is For You with Josh Newbury

  • Specialization through a Diversity Initiative: I worked with Jake Van Epps and Susan Chamberlain to examine the ways that the UCC could better serve LGBQ+ religious clients who experience suicidality 

  • Teaching: I co-taught Identity and Inclusion with Elyssa Klann, an undergraduate course focused on developing knowledge and awareness of issues pertaining to multiculturalism and social justice. We also had an AMAZING group of students! 

  • Supervision: I had wonderful supervision from so many people, most especially Danielle Fetty-Lovell and Luana Nan. I was also able to supervise doctoral practicum students for two semesters

August 2019 - July 2020 I was a Psychology Intern at the University of Utah Counseling Center (UCC), with three other amazing interns - Mun Yuk Chin, Elyssa Klann, and Hannah Muetzelfeld. Despite the many challenges of being an Armagedintern -- including Earthquakes and COVID-19 -- this was a fantastic year where I grew so much. I so greatly appreciated my time with my cohort and our wonderful Training Director Steve Lucero and Assistant Training Director Susan Chamberlain. 




I graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 2020 with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and a graduate certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies.

In addition to conducting research, I worked as a therapist in training at the Student Counseling Center and Cornerstone of Recovery.

I taught undergraduate psychology courses for 8 semesters.

I partnered with the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN) for my social justice practicum, completing a needs assessment, developing interventions, and engaging in evaluation of those interventions. I continued work with them in a research and consulting capacity, too. 

Dr. Miles's Lab 2017
Internship Match Day 2019
UTK Counseling Psychology 2014 Incoming Cohort
Dr. Marlene Williams and Dr. Keri Frantell

At the University of Tennessee, I had a great lab family and an AMAZING cohort (the Foodie Five!).

Pictured top left to right: Elliott DeVore, Kevin Fry, Keri, and Brittany White; Adam Maughan, Keri, and Elliott DeVore

Pictured bottom left to right: Cecile Gadson, Renee Mikorski, Keri, and Jason Ruggieri; Marlene Williams and Keri

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