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Research to Practice Pipeline.png

We are searching for clinicians at University Counseling Centers to share with us about their experience learning about and integrating research into practice! If you are: 

18+ years of age

A clinician/practitioner in mental health (e.g., social worker, counselor, therapist, counseling/clinical psychologist)

Employed at a university/college counseling center in the US or Canada


Scan the QR code to participate!

Invoking God: How Churches Discuss Sexual Orientation for New Congregants

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In collaboration with Dr. Wolford-Clevenger (University of Alabama-Birmingham), Sarah Stambaugh (previously of University of Tennessee), and Ben Gilbert (UND), this systematic review uses an ideation-to-action framework to examine suicide ideation, attempts, and deaths of non-monosexual people. 

Image by Steve Johnson

In collaboration with Adam Maughan (University of Tennessee), we are reviewing scholarly works that describe LGB-affirming therapy approaches. 

Combatting a Fatal Combination: Assessing the Needs Related to Substance Use and Suicide in Rural Appalachia


Trees and Mountains

In collaboration with Amy Dolinky (Knox County Health Department), the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN), and Dr. Joe Miles (University of Tennessee), and funded by SPSSI, this two-part participatory action research project has two aims: (1) assess the needs of mental health care providers in rural Appalachia working with the intersection of substance use and suicide, and (2) understand lived experiences of rural Appalachians who have both increased substance use and suicidality. 


We are still collecting data on both parts -- if you are interested in being interviewed please contact us!

Suicidal InQueery: Developing LGBTQ+ Affirming Suicide Risk Assessment and Crisis Response Strategies


Image by Sharon McCutcheon
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We are looking for experts to help us develop suicide risk assessment approaches that are culturally responsive for LGBQ+ folx! You are eligible to participate if you are


18 years of age or older


A clinician/therapist with a particular interest in/specialty working with LGBQ+ clients OR

An LGBQ+ person who has engaged in any form of mental health treatment for suicidal thoughts in the past OR

An academic/researcher who has published related to suicide risk assessment/crisis response planning/prevention/LGBQ+ therapy


Please join our study! 













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Religion: Risk or Buffer? Suicidality and Religion in LGBQ College Students


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In collaboration with Dr. Jake Van Epps (University of Utah), this study uses data collected from the Center for Collegiate Mental Health and examines the relation between religion suicidality among sexual minorities. 

Pride Holding Hands

In collaboration with Adam Maughan (University of Tennessee), we are currently reviewing all published works on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE). 


In collaboration with Adam Maughan and Dr. Joe Miles (University of Tennessee), funded by SPSSI, and using a critical participatory action research paradigm, we are assessing risk and protective factors for suicidality and substance use in LGBTQ+ youth and young adults in rural Appalachia. We employ Bronfenbrenner's ecological model (1979) and a Health Equity model (Fredriksen-Goldsen et al., 2014). 

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