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General Psychology

I taught three sections of General Psychology to undergraduate students at the University of Tennessee from Summer 2015 - Spring 2016. The summer section had roughly 20-30 students, while the fall and spring sections had an average of 150+ students. Below, I provide a syllabus, assignment outlines, and information for topics that seemed particularly difficult for students. For additional information or further resources, please feel free to contact me directly. 

Students in this course learn through in-class lectures, activities, and demonstrations, participation in psychological research, periodic homework assignments, and projects. All students can choose from a variety of mini-projects - allowing students to find topics they are personally interested in and apply content to their understanding of these areas. The mini projects aim to be current/relevant and engaging. Students also complete a group project, identifying an area in psychology that is often misunderstood in common U.S. society, developing a plan to correct these misunderstandings, and engaging in public outreach. Here, I provide links to some of these assignments as well as some of the course handouts students found most helpful. 

Students Studying Outside

applied critical inquiry

As an introductory course that serves as a prerequisite for all Psychology majors but is often a core general education course for non-Psychology majors as well, this course aims to introduce students to psychology concepts and understanding, teach critical thinking skills, and recognize the ways that psychology can be used to understand daily life and the world around us. 

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