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Consultation & Collaboration

We strongly value community engagement and collaboration. As part of this, we invite members of the community to work with us to exchange knowledge, skills, and ideas. 

We are open and very interested in collaborating on both research and advocacy efforts within local, regional, and national communities. 

Additionally, we offer trainings and outreach on topics related to our overall lab mission (e.g., LGBTQ mental health, suicide prevention, multiculturalism, difficult dialogues). Some of these consultation services are indicated below, but this list is not exhaustive. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to talk about collaboration with us or to request consultation services. 

STORIES Consulting

Image by Dan Meyers

Suicide Prevention

We provide (need specific) training around suicide prevention and intervention. These trainings can be for counselor/therapist audiences (with an emphasis on narrative approaches to risk assessment and crisis response planning) or for general, lay audience who do not have a background in psychology (which can include warning signs, how to talk to someone who may be at risk, and how to get someone connected to services). 

All trainings emphasize multicultural factors. 

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Suicide Postvention Protocols

We can work with you organization (workplace, agency, community) to develop a unique plan for how to respond immediately after a suicide. Includes step-by-step response strategies, communication templates, and guidelines for discussing death by suicide.

Image by Delia Giandeini

LGBTQ+ Mental Health

Appropriately tailored for either mental health professionals or community audiences, we can discuss broad LGBTQ+ mental health issues (for example, understanding sexual and gender minorities; risk and protective factors for mental health) or specific concerns (for example, depression in trans and nonbinary youth). 

Image by Antenna

Difficult Dialogues

We offer both didactic trainings and interactive workshops around negotiating difficult dialogues. This can include strategies and tactics for voicing concerns and managing emotions, or can be more specific to a particular issue (for example, managing a specific workplace conflict). One area of particular emphasis is how to have difficult conversations around identity (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.). 

Image by Brett Jordan

Local Advocacy

We offer brief workshops on how to effectively communicate around policy issues or change efforts. This can include discussions around how to write op-eds/letters to the editor or how to contact legislative officials (both in emails or in-person visits). Our workshops also include how to develop and share your story effectively. 

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